
Minitreats: Zucchinipizzen!

Heute gibt es ein ganz schnelles einfaches Rezept für Mini-Zucchinipizzen. Diese kleinen Treats bereite ich am liebsten zu, wenn Freunde vorbeikommen. Sie sind superschnell fertig, lecker und sogar noch recht gesund! Rezept: Macht etwa 20 Minipizzen. Zutaten: 1 dicke Zucchini, 6 EL Tomatenmark, 2 TL Knoblauchöl, 2 EL Kräuter der Provence, 100 g geriebener Parmesan, […]

Minitreats: Zucchinipizzen! Weiterlesen »

Recipe Round-Up! …& Result of the Monthly Challenge to Write a Food Diary!

Lately I stumbled upon a bunch of delicious looking summer recipes. With healthy dishes as well as sweet treats they are a wild mixture, but since I’m craving for every single one of them, I decided to share them with you anyway. Okay, this was the fun part of today’s post. Now we come to

Recipe Round-Up! …& Result of the Monthly Challenge to Write a Food Diary! Weiterlesen »

Zucchini Time!

You may have already recognized it: I love zucchini! The yellow ones as much as the green ones. The small examples as much as the big summer squashes. I already shared two of my favorite zucchini recipes with you (Baked Courgettes and Pasta with Zucchini Sauce). Today I would like to present you the extreme

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