Joachim Meyerhoff’s memoirs about his childhood, his teenage year in the US and now also his recent book about his time as student on the drama school are always great! I read the first book together with my literature club. The second one I listened to as an audio book. For his third book Ach, diese Lücke diese entsetzliche Lücke (Translation: Oh, This Gap, This Horrible Gap), the author read live at the Schauspielhaus Hamburg. I went there in February together with my literature ladies. Now, the live reading of the whole book is available and I am totally into it.
This book comprises Joachim Meyerhoff’s time at the drama school in Munich, during which he lived in his grandparents house. The story narrates his life between two worlds – at the drama school where he has to learn to play a hippo as a figure out of Effi Briest and in his grandparents antique surroundings where everything stays as it is. A funny, sad and entertaining book that makes me often laugh out loud and pensive at the same time.
I wish you a wonderful weekend! Have a playful one :)!
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