ink art

My so-called Luck’s Top 10 posts of the last TWO years!

Wow, this Thursday My so-called Luck will be already TWO (!) years old. Since October 2011 a LOT has happened in my live – in regard to private and professional aspects. This little blog is the constant and my steady inspiration collector. There are times that I think that it takes up too much time

My so-called Luck’s Top 10 posts of the last TWO years! Weiterlesen »

Ink Art Pt. II

Wow, it’s always amazing which posts are the most famous among you. Until now, the number one on My so-called Luck remains Ink Art. I remember that it was not easy to find tattoos in the big jungle of the net back then, that I personally liked enough to share with you. Now, a few

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Desirable Peacock Style

(Male) Peacocks are fascinating creatures. Spread out, their iridescent tail feathers take more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length. The colorful „eye“ markings of blue, gold and red are used for mating rituals and females choose their partner depending on the size, colour and quality of the peacock’s feather train.1 Therefore, it’s

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