
Go Greener!

The sun is shining! And it seems like everyone has only one thing in his or her mind: To go outside and enjoy as much of these warm rays as possible. Spring did finally arrive and suddenly the world is beautiful again. I already saw the first butterfly this year – always a magic moment […]

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Fall Wardrobe

If I would have (much more) money, I would know how to spend it on an autumnal wardrobe: Earthy colours, dresses or skirts in combination with heavy knitted cardigans, cable patterns, warm scarves and cute coats. Unfortunately my budget clearly states that I better should stick with what’s already in my drawers. But still –

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Modern Hipster!

„{Hipster} …. refers to a subculture of young, recently settled urban middle class adults and older teenagers that appeared in the 1990s. The subculture is associated with independent music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility, Apple products, liberal or independent political views, alternative spirituality or atheism/agnosticism and alternative lifestyles.“ Wikipedia … And I saw A LOT

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On the Beach!

The sun is burning. Finally! And I’m in Berlin spending my holidays either in the backyard of my parents house, with BBQs in the Volkspark, on flea markets, meeting friends in Prenzelberg, eating cake at my grandparents or just hanging around doing nothing. Secretly I’m planning my next beach holidays (maybe in August) and packing

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Pastel Colours

Today’s post is very short (but sooo beautiful): Pastel tops and shirts seem to be everywhere right now. I like their fresh and innocent look. – Just the ideal colour scheme to welcome the spring! What about you – would you wear them? Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links.

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