Pic by Franzi.
I just checked my new year’s resolutions for 2017 and I fulfilled one from five resolutions.
I didn’t learn to sew (although Stephan organized a sewing course for me as a birthday present – but than I simply never found the time for it), I didn’t relax more (although I honestly tried), I didn’t listened more to my body (although I made some more doctors appointments than in the years before and regularly do my yoga) and I also didn’t visit more museums (at the moment I only remember one single museum visit the whole year). But -yippee- I cooked more foreign dishes (hello Nordic Cookbook recipes).
I know I can do better. Nevertheless, it’s always great to have a few resolutions in the back of the mind. It’s this constant nudge that you still have to do something.
So, for 2018 I resolve to:
Listen more to my body.
Relax more.
Write more (German fiction stories).
Find a flat with Stephan.
Four resolutions, that’s it – one has to concentrate on the important stuff.
Have a wonderful start into this fresh week and happy new year :)!
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