Nut Cake!

Pic by Franzi.

Happy Easter, everyone! How do you spend your free days? I am baking a lot of currant bread (…this year with gluten-free flour, which actually worked!) and a nut cake that reminds me on a cake my grandma often made. Have a wonderful time with your friends and family and here comes the cake recipe :)…



200 g ground hazelnuts, 6 eggs, a dash of salt, 1 package vanilla sugar, 1/2 package baking powder, 250 g sugar, 150 g flour (I used gluten-free flour), 50 g apple jelly, 200 g powdered sugar.


Stir egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until creamy. Add the grounded nuts. Stir gently. Add 4 beaten egg whites, baking powder and flour. Fold in gently. Pour the mixture into a greased cake tin. Bake for app. 60 minutes at 180°C.

Spread warm apple jelly onto the still warm cake and top with glazing (For the glazing stir 2 egg whites with 200 g powdered sugar until creamy). Bake for another 15 minutes at 100 °C in the slightly opened oven.


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