Plum Cake: Berlin Style!

Plum CakePic by Franzi.

The best thing about fall are all the ripe fruits during this time. Apples, plums, pumpkins, grapes… It’s pretty hard to decide what to buy on the farmers market these days. Last weekend I decided for plums. At home I looked into old cookbooks and in a pretty old one, named „Berliner Küche“ (Berlin Kitchen), I found a delicious sounding recipe with yeast dough and a sugar-cinnamon-mix on top. Yummi!


Ingredients: Makes app. 12 pieces.

Dough: 400 g flour, 20 g yeast, 75 g sugar, 75 g butter, 125 ml milk. Topping: 1 kg plums, 100 g sugar, 50 g butter, 1 TSp cinnamon.


Dough: Put nearly all of the flour into a big bowl. In a smaller bowl, mix yeast with 5 TblSps warm milk and 1 TSp sugar. Add the yeast mix into a hole pressed into the middle of the flour in the big bowl. Let rest for app. 20 minutes. Slowly mix with the rest of the milk, flour and sugar. Let rest for app. 1 hour.  Roll out onto a baking sheet.

Topping: Distribute the washed and halved plums onto the dough – with the dome looking up. Mix the cinnamon with the sugar and sprinkle a bit of it over the cake. Bake for app. 35 minutes at 180 °C. Afterwards, spread with melted butter and sprinkle with the rest of the sugar-cinnamon-mix.


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