What did you do this last weekend? Maybe you met up with a couple of friends? Did you share a good piece of pizza with each other? Or maybe you made a BBQ? Or even a picnic? There are a million ways to come together and enjoy a good time with good talks, good company, good food and not seldom a good bottle of wine. Lately, I rediscovered the power of those evenings. Even if your day was slightly boring or depressing, a good laugh with friends at dinner on your balcony, in your living room or in your garden can easily save your day. Afterwards you feel relaxed and are looking forward to the next time you will all meet. That’s why I dedicated this week to the topic Dining with Friends. It does not require much to share a good meal with the people you like. Those are the important ingredients:
* A nice place to meet-up:
Your kitchen table, a picnic blanket, a balcony, a garden … Every tiny spot can feel comfy. Just lit a few candles, maybe choose some relaxed background music and this is it.
* Offer something delicious to eat:
This has not to be something extraordinary or complicated. Most times a good piece of pizza, a lasagna or a big bowl of pasta is more welcome than any fancy stuff.
A nice bunch of people:
It doesn’t matter if you are only two or fifty. As long as you enjoy your time together and there are stories to share you will have a wonderful time!
I wish you a good start into the new week with many hours shared with friends!
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