Green Power!

Green PowerPic by Franzi.

It’s only week one of my green monthly challenge and I already realized that it is not as simple as I thought to create a dish that consists ONLY of green ingredients. But despite real problems with my current time schedule, a mean cold that got me and – again – not enough sleep, I was able to prepare at least this green power smoothie that hopefully will help to fight against this cold. And hey, it’s green – so there’s still hope that easter might be not only sunny (which alone is a real treat for my soul) but maybe even a bit warmer (which would be an urgently needed treat for my health).

Recipe: Serves 2.

Ingredients: ½ -1 avocado (peeled), a few basil leaves, app. 200 ml apple juice, 2 kiwis (peeled)

Preparation: In a big can, mix all ingredients with a hand blender. Add as much apple juice as is needed to reach the consistency you like.

Print Recipe HERE!


 Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details!

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