Pic by Franzi.
It’s week two of my Monthly Challenge of Going Vegan. I have to admit that I feel slightly more energized. Maybe that’s because of the much higher amounts of fruits and vegetables I consume right now in comparison to my normal diet? Nevertheless, from time to time my belly arches, which I think is caused by the rapid changes it first has to get used to. So what did I learn during the last seven days about a vegan lifestyle? I learned that it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with balanced meals, or you really have to plan ahead (which is not one of my strengths). I learned that the university canteen offers a lot of vegetarian food (I happily ate there for the past ten years and always found at least one vegetarian dish), as a vegan on the other side it’s not impossible to find something (there are always the salad bar and fries) , but you need a lot more luck to find something tasty, healthy and warm (although I know that there are discussions to offer more vegan food right now going on). And finally I learned that one good and well-proofed recipe works also in the vegan variation: Pizza! I simply made my ordinary pizza dough and topped it with a self-made tomato sauce (a can of minced tomatoes seasoned with Herbes de Provence, marjoram, salt, pepper and one TblSp agave nectar) and the vegetables I found in my kitchen (bell peppers, onions, white mushrooms…), baked it for app. 20 minutes at 200°C and DONE. I really didn’t missed the cheese at all – actually this recipe is my rescue dish for very hungry days now (Three pizzas in one week… yes, I often felt very hungry.).
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