This rainbow in the Alster fountain! (Sunday, November 4). All pics by Franzi.
It’s time for a look back – those last four weeks were full of big and small events. In those tumultuous times, the small moments are those one has to enjoy the most and give back the power to go on.
I wish you a wonderful new week! Treasure those small pretty moments :)!
A surprise from Stephan: My very first time INSIDE the Elbphilharmonie – to listen to the singer songwriter Lisa Hannigan (Friday, October 20)
Those fall colors in my courtyard fascinated me (Saturday, October 21)
Hamburg’s television tower and the fairground lightened my way back home from my creative writing course (Monday, October 30)
My ‚little‘ brother married (Friday, November 3)
Shiny ‚medals‘ for junior scientists at the Nacht des Wissens (Night of the Sciences – Saturday, November 4)
The November light on the Isebekkanal (Saturday, November 11)
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me.