A look inside Von einem mutigen Hasen, der heimlich auszog, die Welt zu entdecken und das Fürchten zu lernen (From a brave rabbit, who secretly went away to discover the world and to learn what fear is). I already presented you the book on Wednesday. Pics made by Franzi on the #fbm16.
Of course I looked out for children’s books on the Frankfurt book fair (like every year 🙂 ). Here are the six most entertaining, colorful, artsy and fun books I found…
I wish you a wonderful weekend! Have a fantastic one :)!
My second children’s book favorite: Luftigruß (A boy and a house) by Maja Kastelic…
Afternoon Tea at Raffles Hotel by Fleur Vella-Chang: The colorful book is very famous among Singapore-based kids!
A BIG book about bees: Bienen by Piotr Socha!
Extremely cute: Keiner gruselt sich vor Gustav (Nobody is afraid of Gustav) by Guido van Genechten.
For little Scientists: Fliege, Falter, Honigbiene (Fly, moth, honeybee) by Virginie Aladjidi and Emmanuelle Tchoukriel.
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me.