Richard David Precht with Tobias Becker (Der Spiegel) on the Frankfurt Book Fair. Pics made by Franzi on the #fbm16.
There were two non-fiction books and – most important – their (German) authors on the Frankfurt Book Fair last week that really impressed me:
Tiere Denken//Animals Think by Richard David Precht
„Es mag heute mehr Veganer geben als in den 1990ern, aber die Tierrechtsszene ist heute nicht stärker als damals.“
„There might be more people living vegan today than in the 1990s, but the community fighting for animal rights has not become more important since then.“
Richard David Precht asks in his book about the relationship between us – the humans – and the animals: How should we treat animals? Are we acting ethical correct and consistent with our self-perception? What makes the humans different from other animals? The book stimulates new ways of thinking about animals and our behavior regarding them.
Carolin Emcke during her press conference on the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Gegen den Hass//Against Hate by Carolin Emcke (Winner of this year’s Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels)
„Es ist komplizierter in einer pluralen Gesellschaft. Ja klar. Aber dafür sind wir da. Darüber müssen wir verhandeln“
„It’s more complicated in a plural society. Sure. But that’s why we are here. We have to negotiate it.“
Carolin Emcke’s book is an essay about the big topics of our time: Racism, fanaticism and anti-democracy. She pleads for a plural society, for individual freedom and safety for those who are different. A strong topic analyzed by a strong woman for everyone who is willing to think about convincing arguments and thought-provoking impulses.
I wish you a wonderful weekend! Have an inspiring one :)!
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