Love at first sight: Raw by Icelandic chef Solla Eiriksdottir. All pics by Franzi, made on the #fbm16.
Cookbooks are a big passion of mine. Maybe I shouldn’t wonder why my notebook is now full of new cookbook titles after the Frankfurt book fair #fbm16. Here are (only) twelve of my favorites I found this year – most of them were published in 2016, some re-published and some a bit older :).
Enjoy cooking (& reading)!
Vegetarian, the Middle Eastern Way: The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook by Salma Hage.
Tinned fish recipes. Really! (German): Frisch aus der Dose by Bart van Olphen.
My last coffeehouse discovery Vollpension in Vienna has now its own recipe book (German): Vollpension – Kuchen von der Oma.
A recipe biography and a dialog between the grandma and her granddaughter (German): Oma Heidi by Christina Schmid.
Vegetarian cooking – the US way (German): USA vegetarisch.
More than only cheesecake: New York Cult Recipes by Marc Grossman.
I already have the Italian version, now I need this one as well: Quick and Easy Spanish Recipes by Simone and Inés Ortega.
One of my absolute favorites this year: The Silver Spoon for Children – Favorite Italian Recipes!!!
I am still a bread baking addict: The Larousse Book of Bread by Éric Kayser.
Not only on cold days: Clean Soups by Rebecca Katz.
Another big favorite of mine – because it answers the question what to cook on special occasions like X-Mas or a dinner with friends while living gluten-free: Danielle Walker’s Against All Grain Celebrations.
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details.