Pic by Franzi.
Did you ever prepare your own burger buns? I tried it a few weeks ago. It was my first time and now I will maybe never buy them again – the home-made ones were simply perfect.
Recipe: Makes 8 buns.
250 ml milk, 50 g butter, 600 g flour, 25 g fresh yeast, 1 TSp sugar, 1 egg, 1 TSp salt, 1 egg yolk, 2 TblSps heavy cream, 2 TSps sesame.
In a pot, heat the butter and the milk. Add flour into a big bowl and press a hole into the center. Add some milk into the hole, crumble the yeast onto the milk, sprinkle with sugar and gently stir. Add some flour from the edge of the hole. Mix gently, using a wooden spoon (only the center – you still have flour around it). Sprinkle with some more flour, cover with a kitchen towel and let rest for app. 15 minutes.
Add the rest of the milk, the egg and the salt, mix until you have a smooth dough. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rest for 45 minutes.
Form the dough into a roll and cut into 8 pieces. Form into buns and put onto a baking tray. Let rest for 15 minutes. Mix the egg yolk and the heavy cream, spread the buns with the mixture. Sprinkle with sesame. Bake at the lowest rack for app. 20 minutes at 200 °C.
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