Pic by Franzi.
In my literature club we just finished reading Astrid Lindgren’s War Diaries from 1939 until 1945 (German edition Die Menschheit hat den Verstand verloren). She started writing it on September 1, 1939 with the words: „Oh, today the war started.“ Back then, Lindgren was still an unknown person in the literature world. She just started to write her first children novels and invented Pippi Langstrumpf/Pippi Longstocking by telling her sick daughter Karin stories about Pippi and her funny adventures. Lindgren and her family lived in Sweden – a country that didn’t participate on WWII. Nevertheless, the people there were in the middle of the fights surrounding Sweden and always frightened that the war would also come into their own country. I was deeply impressed by Lindgren’s documentation of those dark years. Her insights speak of a clever mind, far from what was expected from a ‚housewife and mother‘ in the 1930s/40s. A big, big, big MUST-READ!
I wish you a peaceful weekend. Have a wonderful one!
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