Back to work – but at least with an empowering song to kick-start the day: 27 by singer-songwriter Passenger. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
„27 years, 27 years done
Written 600 songs, only 12 get sung
87, 000 cigarettes have passed through these lungs and
Every single day I wish I’d never smoked one
A week brushing my teeth and a week getting my haircut
8 years sleeping, I’m still tired when I wake up
A whole year eating and I still lost weight fuck
5 proper girlfriends and 5 missing breakups
27 birthdays, 27 new years
30, 000 quid, just so I could have a few beers
Ever dying old hopes, ever growing new fears
Don’t know where I’m going, but I know how I’m going there“
Have fun listening!
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details.