Pic by Franzi.
The last two days I spent in Berlin at the Entrepreneur Summit 2014. It was incredible crowded and filled with inspiring people. Now I start fully motivated into the new week and would like to share with you some of the best insights.
I wish you a wonderful new week, full of inspiration!
About success & entrepreneurship I: „Be very careful in jumping at chances.“ – Prof. Günter Faltin
About success & entrepreneurship II: „Starting a new business requires a lot of your time. You give birth to an idea child. You do this because you really want it. Your real (biological) children require also all of your time.“ – Prof. Günter Faltin
About success & entrepreneurship III: “ Our society is not open to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs will be outsiders for quite some time.“ Nevertheless: „Be an entrepreneur. There is no better alternative.“ – Prof. Günter Faltin
On green growth: „Stopping consume will not save the earth. What we need is innovation.“ – Ralf Fücks
On blue economy: „Everything we do in Europe is restricted by rules. So, we need new rules. Entrepreneurs are made to develop new rules of the game.“ – Gunter Pauli
On social entrepreneurship I: „Social entrepreneurs have a high psychopathological level. They are ego-animals.“ – Prof. Andreas Heinecke
On social entrepreneurship II: From 3,000 ideas, in the end 1 is successful.“ – Prof. Andreas Heinecke
On social entrepreneurship III (& it’s nearly non-existent profit): „Former and older-aged social entrepreneurs are a social fringe group. To help them, will be the new goal of other social entrepreneurs.“ – Prof. Andreas Heinecke
On professional networking I: „Contacts and relationships will be the fundamentals for gaining capital.“ – Peer-Arne Böttcher
On professional networking II: „Networking is not enough, what you need is relationship management.“ – Peer-Arne Böttcher
On professional networking III: „Sometimes one has to leave the own comfort zone to communicate with people.“ – Peer-Arne Böttcher
On professional networking IV: „Digital helps, analog counts.“ – Peer-Arne Böttcher
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