Unforeseen Shadows

Once again Franzi’s holiday plans gave me the opportunity to write a guest post. Again it will be in Arts and Books and this time I’d like to introduce an artist who’s creating amazing pictures with light and shadow.

Rashad Alakbarov is a multifaceted artist, but the work that impresses me most are his shadow installations. He uses diverse objects as rubbish, toy blocks or wire to create abstract sculptures that don’t necessarily have much to do with the picture that is only revealed with the proper lighting.

I admire the way Alakbarov creates human figures and whole landscapes with what seem to be unrelated parts. At the same time you can see some deeper relation in his shadow pictures and the objects that constitute the picture.

I hope this weekend you’ll feel inspired to find some unforeseen and intriguing detail in your environment too – maybe with the proper lighting?

– Youdid –

Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details.

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