The first thing you think when you see the pictures of Alain Delorme’s Murmurations series might be „Isn’t our nature beautiful. Oh, these flocks of birds look pretty.“ But wait! What you actually see only looks like flocks of starlings (who typically are forming swarms on their hunt for a good place to settle for the night in Europe during the winter month). In reality those pictures show swarms of plastic bags! Yes, plastic bags! Photographer Alain Delorme created those digitally constructed compositions by arranging trash bags in bird flock-resembling shapes and juxtaposed them against vibrant, colorful horizons. What a great reminder for everyone of us to treat our pretty world in a way that allows it to stay as beautiful as it is!
I wish you a beautiful and surprising weekend!
Via My Modern Met. Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details!