Pic by Franzi.
At the moment our allotment garden is an apple paradise… we have 2,5 apple trees (a big one, a smaller one and the one that belongs to our neighbors, but spreads the majority of its fruits into our terrain). We give our best to collect them all before the insects and birds get them, but it’s just impossible with these amounts of apples. The reward for our efforts comes in the form of a delicious, warm, classic apple pie. I hope the apple season goes on forever…
Recipe: Print HERE
Dough: 500 g flour, 100 g sugar, 80 g butter, salt, 1 package vanilla sugar, 250 ml milk, 30 g yeast.
Topping: App. 2 kg apples (peeled), 100 g currants, sugar (amount depends on the sourness of your apples), 1 package vanilla sugar, 1 TblSp rum, 1/2 TSp cinnamon.
Dough: Melt the butter. Dissolve the crumbled yeast in 3 TblSps lukewarm milk. Mix the flour with all the rest of the ingredients (the milk and the butter should be both lukewarm) until you reach a smooth dough that doesn’t stick to the sides of your mixing bowl anymore (if the dough is still too sticky, add a bit more flour). Cover with a dish towel and let rest for app. 90 minutes at a warm place. Afterwards knead the dough once again, then roll out onto your baking sheet.
Apple Pie:
Cut the apples into halves, remove the cores and cut them into thin slices (I used a mandolin slicer). Mix them immediately with the rest of the ingredients (maybe add a dash of lemon juice to prevent the apples from getting brown). Spread the apple mixture onto the dough. Bake for app. 45 minutes at 200°C. Then immediately sprinkle with brown butter, 1TblSp sugar and 1/2 TblSp cinnamon.
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