Sauce hollandaise…Asparagus saison! Pt. 2

Just because I presented you all these fancy Asparagus recipes last week does not mean I don’t like the good old classic variation Asparagus + sauce hollandaise (+ potatoes + scrambled eggs). In fact, there’s no other asparagus dish, I love more. Thus, today I wanna share with you my favorite home-made sauce hollandaise recipe. In my opinion, you really should make your own instead of going for the ready-made one. It’s incredible easy to prepare and totally worth the effort!

Pic by Franzi


60g butter, 40g flour, 250ml water, 250ml vegetable stock, yolk of 1 egg, salt, 2 TblSps lemon juice


Melt 40g butter in a pot, stir in the flour and roast gently until the roux has a yellow-brown color. Add gradually the liquid. Wait until the sauce has reached the admired consistence. Mix in the lemon juice, the rest of the butter and salt to taste. Finally, mix the egg yolk with a small amount of cold water and stir in (to thicken the sauce).

Recipe for Print


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