Jane Mount – Ideal Bookshelves

„I paint people’s ideal bookshelves: your favorite books, books that changed your life, books that made you who you are.
Picking your ideal books is not an easy task (try it!). I think of this project as an intimate form of portraiture; a way to illustrate who the subject is on the inside instead of out.“

The quote of U.S. Artist Jane Mount about her recent project The Ideal Bookshelf gives a nice insight into her intention to paint, well, bookshelves. I really like to look at all these different shelves and their combinations of book titles. It’s like visiting a stranger and trying to get to know him better by secretly study is book collection (Yes, I do that.- You as well?) and be excited to find titles you also read and loved. And BTW, did you realise how perfect Jane Mount’s project fits with the title of todays‘ category – Arts & Books? It’s like the perfect fusion of both. Very inspiring, indeed!

Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links.

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