Nut Roast!

Pic by Franzi.

A vegetarian classic that works perfectly as Christmas dish!

Recipe: Serves 5-6.


250 g mixed nuts, 100 g shallots (diced), 400 g minced tomatoes, 3 eggs, 150 g Gruyère cheese (grated), 1 TSp fresh thyme, 2 TSps fresh sage (minced), 1/2 TSp dried mint, 1 TSp yeast extract (dissolved in 1 TSp hot water), 1 TSp lemon juice, salt, pepper.


Roast the nuts without fat in a pan until they are golden brown. Mince the nuts in a kitchen machine (or like us in a smoothie maker). Prepare your baking tray with baking parchment and grease it with some butter.  In a big bowl, mix nuts, shallots, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, herbs, yeast extract and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into the baking tray. Bake for app. 50 minutes at 180°C.

Serve with tomato sauce – or, like we, with mashed cauliflower and onion jam.


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