Little Oasis near Berlin: Kleiner Spreewaldpark in Schöneiche.

Schoeneiche6The lake with its gigantic mosaic dragon in the center of the park. All Pics by Franzi.

Last weekend I was in Berlin to visit friends and family. Saturday we strolled through Schöneiche (a village near Berlin where my mum lives) to get some ice-cream and crossed the beautiful Kleiner Spreewaldpark (Little Spreewald Park). It’s a wonderful and mystic oasis. One can actually take a boat to experience it! And there are fantasy figures all around made with a mosaic of tiles that are illustrated with cute pictures of animals and other patterns!

I wish you a wonderful start into the fresh week – have a relaxed one!

Schoeneiche3The lake.

Schoeneiche2The entrance portal.

Schoeneiche1Close-up of the tiles of the entrance portal.

Schoeneiche4Ice-cream time!

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