Only two pieces of my full wardrobe! Pic by Franzi.
Did you hear about Project 333? It’s the resolution to dress with 33 items or less for 3 months (including clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear and shoes), thereby creating new stylish looks, save money and the environment! I already did a whole year of a shopping sabbatical where I didn’t buy any clothes. In case I needed something special – like a long dress for a wedding party – I asked friends if I could borrow it from them. It felt refreshing and stunning at the same time. But to live with only 33 pieces for a whole long season? That sounds like quite a challenge for me! I am not sure how many clothes I actually have. Maybe I will dare a look into my wardrobe and count them on the weekend. Only afterwards I will decide if I will start my own Project 333 :).
Would you dare a Project 333? Let me know!
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