Just some roses I made myself a gift :). All pics by Franzi.
Yesterday, spring officially started. My mum visited Hamburg this weekend and we were having dinner in the delicious restaurant Sweet Virginia. I was two times in the theater those last few days and enjoyed my leisure time with reading, listening to 1990s music and my friends.
I wish you a wonderful start into the fresh Easter week. Have a happy one!
The Alster Swans are back!!! Those little white spots were the first I saw this year.
In the Schauspielhaus I saw two pieces this weekend: On Friday Die Physiker and Sunday Joachim Meyerhoff’s Ach diese Lücke, diese entsetzliche Lücke.
Friday I sat closer at the stage than ever before.
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details.