Pic by Franzi.
In the latest Essen und Trinken für jeden Tag issue I found a cucumber salad recipe that is actually made with both – fresh and pickled cucumbers. The result is surprisingly refreshing. I already prepared the salad two times!
Recipe: Serves 2.
Ingredients: 1/2 cucumber (peeled in stripes and cut into thin slices), 2 big pickled cucumbers (cut into thin slices), 2 TblSps juice from the pickled cucumbers, 2 scallions (cut into rings), 3 TblSps oil, 3 TblSps acid, salt, pepper, dill (minced).
For the dressing, mix the acid, the oil and the pickled cucumber juice. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the pickled and fresh cucumber slices together with the onion rings and the dressing. Season with dill. Let rest at least 20 minutes.
Recipe originally published in the German cooking zine Essen und Trinken für jeden Tag. Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details.