Pic by Franzi.
I already mentioned (several times) that I visited last week the re:publica. And here are the things I learned…
I wish you a wonderful start into the new week! May it be a relaxed one!
About the web 20 years ago:
„Around 1994 the web consisted of approximately 1,000 websites. You could spent a day on the web and think: ‚Oh, I saw the all of it.‘ A week later you went back and watched the new sites.“ Justin Hall
Alexander Gerst about the view onto our planet from space:
„We forget how tiny and fragile our Earth is in the universe. Looking down from space one becomes aware of it.“
About our atmosphere: „It is dazzling! Above the Earth is a small blue fluff and then comes the universe. Only this small fluff is what protects us from the radiation.“
„Europe is a sea of light.“
„We are an intelligent form of life. One can see that we are destroying our livelihood. I don’t know how to explain this to anyone.“
About cyber privacy & security:
„The biggest lie on the internet is the ‚I have read and agree to the license agreement‘, because nobody is reading it.“ Mikko Hypponin, F-Secure
The target groups you can choose when you promote a Twitter post: „Twitter can actually see what kind of cereal or alcohol you like or whether you are expecting a child within the next six months. How does Twitter know? Through your phone number!“ Mikko Hypponin, F-Secure …The number connects the digital world and the real world.
„When Facebook bought WhatsApp, they actually bought the phone numbers.“ Mikko Hypponin, F-Secure
„Everyone who uses a Gmail account should definitely use a security key.“ Eric Grosse, Google
About paying for web content:
„In 1994 we discussed the future of the web and wondered how people would pay for content. 20 years later there is still no easy way to pay for content online. {…} There must be a way to pay for (Google) content other than with people’s privacy. “ Mikko Hypponin, F-Secure
„Money isn’t lying. If a reader says: ‚I don’t want to pay for it‘, you have to accept it.“ Richard Gutjahr
About presenting yourself in the web:
„If you’re making a career in media communication you are expected to have a profile on the internet: On LinkedIn or Xing or a website.“ Justin Hall
About our society’s media competence & hate campaigns:
Anne Wizorek (#aufschrei) asks the audience of around 400 people: „Who would feel confident to go to the police station with a death threat on Twitter and expect that they know what to do about it?“ …Nobody.
About our intelligence services:
„The BND has become quite independent. The question is: ‚Who controls our intelligence services?“ Selmin Çalışkan, Amnesty International
About data privacy topics:
„With the radical surveillance of today, the Jews who were hidden and rescued during WWII in Berlin would not have survived.“ Harald Welzer, FUTURZWEI
„Americans doesn’t trust in democracy or in politics, NGOs or the media – they trust the military. It scares the hell out of me.“ Ethan Zuckerman
„We afford us the luxury of writing about EU data privacy topics. Other journalists would like that, too. But they told me that their last article regarding EU data policy were the less read article of that day.“ Markus Beckedahl, netzpolitik.org
A career advice for entrepreneurs:
„I cannot hold back to take risks. It’s a lot more fun to take risks. And we take risks.“ Reed Hastings, Netflix
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