Pic by Franzi.
Fall! …And again, we have tons of apples in our allotment garden. So what shall I do with all of them? Oh yeah, of course: Apple Pie!
Makes app. 12 pieces.
Ingredients: Dough: 500 g flour, 35 g yeast, 75 g sugar, 125 g butter, 250 ml milk, 1 egg, salt . Topping: 1,5 kg apples (peeled and sliced), 100 g sugar, 30 g butter, 100g almonds (minced), 1 TSp cinnamon.
Dough: Put nearly all of the flour into a big bowl. In a smaller bowl, mix yeast with 5 TblSps warm milk and 1 TSp sugar. Add the yeast mix into a hole pressed into the middle of the flour in the big bowl. Rest for app. 20 minutes. Slowly mix with the rest of the milk, flour, the egg, the salt, the butter and sugar. Let rest for app. 1 hour. Roll out onto a baking sheet.
Topping: Distribute the washed and sliced apples onto the dough. Sprinkle with almonds. Mix the cinnamon with the sugar. Spread apples with melted butter and sprinkle with the sugar-cinnamon-mix. Bake for app. 30 minutes at 200 °C.
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