Pic by Franzi.
A simple reminder on sunnier days – this peach mousse with tinned fruits is a real taste epiphany! Made in only 15 minutes (okay plus the time for cooling it in the fridge) it surprises with a wide aroma spectrum: First it’s sweet, then one tastes the peaches and then comes the vanilla with the slightly sour note of yoghurt. Mmmh, a delicious treat!
Recipe: Print Recipe HERE!
Ingredients: Serves 8.
1 kg tinned peaches, 200 ml dry white wine, juice of a half lemon, 1 vanilla bean, 8 TblSps sugar, 500 g natural yoghurt, 200 g crème fraîche
Heat the wine together with 4 TblSps sugar and the scraped out vanilla bean extract. Add the drained peaches and simmer for 10 minutes. Blend everything. Add the yoghurt, crème fraîche and the remaining 4 TblSps sugar and mix well. Stay cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
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