Wow, it’s already the last Tuesday in the year 2012 and this means this is also the last Listen post for this year. So give your cookie eating a break and let us start to recapitulate the last twelve months. How was this year regarding the field of music? I tried to stay away from too many concerts this year – at least this was one of my resolutions. I may say with two festivals and a countless number of concerts I visited I clearly failed this one. Let me name my personal highlights (I try to make this part short): Paul Smith: thank you again for this rose in my face… and two gorgeous concerts. Twin Shadow: I didn’t recognize you when I stand in your way, but wow you wore a shiny leather jacket! tUnE–yArDs: You rocked my world at the Dockville festival. Digits: The most wonderful and relaxing performance I experienced the whole year-long! The Whitest Boy Alive: A concert in the afternoon? – Please repeat this, it was amazing! Super 700: This ladder in the audience made me really laugh! And those were the albums of my year: Best Coast – The only Place, Mumford and Sons – Babel, First Aid Kit – The Lion’s Roar, Maximo Park – The National Health.
Thank you for the music!
Here comes my personal Top 10 of the songs of 2012. Have fun while listening and again: Enjoy the merry days with your family!
Number 1: Twin Shadow – 5 Seconds
Number 2: Damien Jurado – Museum of Flight
Number 3: Rufus Wainwright – Out of the Game
Number 4: Amanda Palmer – Grown Man Cry
Number 5: Mumford and Sons – Where are you now
Number 6: Maximo Park – Reluctant Love
Number 7: The Jezabels – Endless Summer
Number 8: Solange – Losing You
Number 9: Hot Chip – Don’t deny your heart
Number 10: First Aid Kit – The Lions Roar
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details!