Not only for X-Mas Mornings: Punch Jelly!


punch gelee

 Pic by Franzi.

Today I would like to show you one of the other delicious treats I prepared for Post aus meiner Küche: Punch Jelly. It was a very convenient solution, because it’s easy to prepare, tastes X-massy, is a nice gift and you can produce several jars in only one session! Since I found THIS recipe in a German cooking zine, I prepare myself every year a few glasses of it. I like that it gives your breakfast a completely new twist: Punch in the Morning? Insane… but oh-so tasty!

Do you remember the other delicious treat I prepared for Post aus meiner Küche? Quark Stollen!


Ingredients: Makes  app. 4 jars.

1 orange, 500 ml red wine, 8 cloves, 4 star anise, 4 cinnamon sticks, 450 ml white grape juice, 300 g jam sugar (3:1)


Wash the orange and peel its zest into thin slices. Put the zest, together with the red wine and the spicery into a big pot, boil it up and then let it steep for app. 2 hours.

Boil out the preserving jars and let them dry.

Take the spicery and the zest out of the punch. Stir in the grape juice and the jam sugar. Reboil for 3 more minutes. Remove the foam and distribute the hot jelly into the jars. Close the jars and let them stand upside-down for 10 minutes. Afterwards, turn them around and let the jelly cool down.

Recipe for PRINT!


Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links. If you are interested in putting ads on My so-called Luck feel free to email me for details!

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