Can you believe that these are PAINTINGS?! I couldn’t until I saw the video further down, which shows Japanese Artist Riusuke Fukahori creating his 3-dimensional goldfish pictures by using a complex process of poured resin and painting layer by layer of each fish, resulting in the perfect illusion.
Too bad that his debut exhibition „Goldfish Salvation“ at the London ICN gallery (01.12.11-11.01.12) is already over… I would have loved to see these extraordinary pieces eye-to-eye!
I’m completely smitten!
„Goldfish Salvation“ Riusuke Fukahori from ICN gallery on Vimeo.
Found via This is Colossal.
Like always: All credits appear after clicking the links.
I’m impressed!
I’m happy to hear that – that’s why I wanted to show it 😉